Seeking networking opportunities on FAS and climate change? searching for a job / collaboration or innovative skills?
Meet the FASTER Excellence Hub Looking for Collaboration Opportunity?Searching for a Job / Project ?Faster
What is FASTER
Farmers’ Adaptation and Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research. It aims to reinforce research and knowledge transfer capacity of INRGREF related to innovative land and water management in view of climate change and its implementation through the use of Farm Advisory Systems (FAS)

( Faster H2020 Dedicated Page )
One of the main goals of the FASTER project is to reinforce the research and knowledge transfer capacity of INRGREF and associated Tunisian partners in relation to innovative land and water managemenent in view of climate change
( Faster H2020 Dedicated Page )
The objective of FASTER is to support the Farm Advisory Systems sustainability in Tunisia by enabling the application of innovative solutions, sharing knowledge and best practices, and by mainstreaming research to local farmers
( Faster H2020 Profiling Tool )
Dedicated area to specify the kind of interest on listed proposals as well as uploading your / working group project and / or developed skills. In this way empowering a custom national database of opportinities to be taken
FASTER Excellence
As part of FASTER’s commitment to reinforce the research and knowledge capacity of INRGREF and associated Tunisian institutions and enhance the project’s sustainability, this Excellence Hub is created to foster interesting partnerships and new collaborations in different fields with various stakeholders. This web-platform serve as a repository of employment and partnership opportunities related to FAS services.
By launching the Excellence Hub as a tool that allows for job-seeking and networking opportunities, FASTER wants to increase the visibility of users and create an extensive network of stakeholders with similar interests to allow for the crowdsourcing of knowledge and create business opportunities for entrepreneurs. Being a part of the same project, capacity building and job matching can create a reciprocal synergy. For example, the FASTER H2020 Campus users can quickly be informed and directed from the FASTER FAS Living Lab and the E-learning Platform to the job bank and networking opportunities included in the Excellence Hub, and vice versa.
Young professionals seeking new employment opportunities will be able to use the job component of the Excellence Hub and be grouped by education level and the specific field of agriculture that is of interest to them. The Hub will allow them to apply for job opportunities posted by private and public companies in agriculture, fisheries, and aquaculture, focusing on soil and water management. When the tool is launched, it will be promoted mainly in Tunisia and internationally among the FASTER community and among different localities that share the same values and objectives of the FASTER project. A series of webinars will be launched to present the tool, so be sure to stay connected with FASTER to find out more about this exciting launch in the coming months.
We are absolutely committed to empower talents and working groups into the best possible roles with projects based on their interests and skills and strong contribution with local and national climate change activities?
Take a look at our areas of interaction you could be part here to scale up your results:
Talent Scouting?
With every enrolled job upload you could attract upward resumes, recruiters receives support to put online hiring goals in order to be effective on every search. Think about your next move at online interactions to receive career advises on farming, forestry, fishing, opportunities etc. All linked with today’s local opportunities.
Networking Search?
Finding the right project to be part in, is imperative for any organization and professional thinking to grow and develop further skills steps. A core team of talented coworking partners, passionated about the state of innovation and its long-term goals, is key to success. Here you could find proposals of projects to progress on your next career steps.
Find Jobs?
The JobBank area is the place where you can post your CV online so that it can be managed by our recruiting team to apply to your best fitting candidatures.
This is an opportunity not only for today’s researchs of talents but also on every new job search and post fitting your professional profile.
Your Proposal?
This is the place for Teams building high-scoring opportunities with exclusive skills that could be shared realizing multiple projects out there.
Networking from our service is a real method to reinforce project assingments disseminating the skills and methods realized with your team on innovative fields.
Services Area
Though several kind of interactions you could develop interconnections with both opportunities and skilled collaboration on the field.
Overlapping competencies and best practices is a powerful tool to realize innovations on the field. Find next step on improving your organization results.
Guides & Support
Seeing all of our guides to optimize the use of services and potential activities on our web-area.
Take a view on the whole guides area to understand which is the best configuration of interactions that could reinforce your actual and future activities. The Excellence Hub is a multiservice area to innovate at every next step.
fields of working interest
Project Participants
Current Listings
Matching Profiles
Better Opportunities
Product Field Developer
Farming Areas – Kebli, TN
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Junior Front End Project Maintainer
Extra Space – Sfax, TN
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Energy Providing Design Leader
Coworking Corner – Nabeul, TN
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Contact Us
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 810812